Table of Contents of the Clinician Portfolio

Are you preparing to embark on your Dermatology Job Journey and need to know what to include in a beautiful Clinician Portfolio?

You're in the right place! Click the button below to get my Table of Contents based on Dr. Veronica Sampayo's beautiful blueprint!

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    "I have dreamt of being in dermatology since I became a nurse, but I struggled with finding the resources to get me there.

    Now, I am meeting with derm reps, networking with derm PA/NPs in my area, and I got a job in dermatology as an RN! I cannot explain enough how much Patricia has helped me."


    Dermatology RN

    FNP Student

    North Carolina

    What you get:

    A Table of Contents to create your Clinician Portfolio. Feel free to elaborate on it, but don't put too much or employers may be turned off by how much they have to sift through. Always put the most important stuff first!

    What is it all about?

    The blueprint is based off of NP Dr. Veronica Sampayo's blueprint. She is a professional advisor for nurse practitioners seeking employment. I have tweaked it to be more specific to dermatology NPs, just for you!